Sit-down Wedding Dinner Receptions - The Hallmark Of Elegance

By T. Z. Cole

Sit down dinner receptions will portray the civilized essence that will set the tone for your wedding reception as well as your lasting memory of your wedding day. Of course the same can and will be said for both your wedding guests as well as family members.

If there is one essential rule and bottom line when it comes down to the planning and delivery of the wedding sit down dinner reception it is “Eliminate the extras rather than trimming and reducing the very essentials of the Wedding Sit down Dinner”.

What of the setting of this venerable event? One good planning wedding Sit down Dinner secret is to rent a hotel banquet room or use the facilities of an excellently rated local restaurant that you can reserve for the night. This way the kitchen, tables and bar are already on site. With proper advance planning you may be even able to use the experienced restaurant staff. After all who knows their facilities, food and food delivery better? In addition the specifically trained staff of the facilities may be in a better position to assess any shortcomings and deal with or even anticipate ahead of time problems as they may arise. Prevention is always 99 % of any potential disaster or problem. Problems that you certainly do not want on your wedding day or wedding day reception.

The importance of first impressions and the first impression that properly prepared invitations create cannot be overstated or overemphasized. “This will be your guest’s “first introduction to the event. Make the announcement breathtaking and luxurious. Again it is best to contact the people themselves in the trade. After all printers who specialize in wedding invitations have seen it all – from good to bad, from very very good to just terrible. Fashions, colors and wedding invitations change from year to year.

Ask the professionals what they recommend.

Finally to get to the core of any dinner – the food itself. It can be a nice touch during the cocktail hour to offer sushi and summer rolls on clear glass platters and dim sum dumplings in large bamboo steamers. For dinner another nice touch is to offer an appetizer , for example a suggestion may be shrimp stuffed half artichoke , then three mini entrees presented on a simple tray. This way the kitchen does not have to stock as much food in case guests want one more dish than another wedding guest. Desert can be a three tier cake, but each tier should be a different flavor so that guests can have an option. After all personal tastes vary.

It can always be a good idea to serve wine, champagne and even beer if you wish. A unique inventive cocktail can be created and made up for your event as well. Unique is always nice. Overall you can reduce your budget and costs for your beverage portion of the dinner – having extra funds to allocate elsewhere in the process. Additionally you may choose to source out a relatively less expensive wine to serve with the dinner. Again it pays to ask the professionals in the restaurant and hospitality industry who are assisting you. Who else is in a better position to know the upcoming respectable wine bargains than a highly trained Sommelier in the field?

In terms of actual table choice - long rectangular tables are often the best and easiest choice. If necessary you may have to move several smaller square tables together. Regardless of the color of tablecloths used you may choose to decorate these with centerpieces of flowers. Set letter press menu cards at each place setting.

Create a warm environment by using rented colored lights. As an example you can choose to cast violet wash on the walls and a wasabi-green hue on the ceilings. Just ensure that these lights do not shine directly in your guest’s faces.

Lastly to set the tone of your Wedding Sit down Dinner, the nicest finishing touches can always be given by a live six piece jazz band to play both dinner and dance tunes after dessert.

About the Author: Winnipeg Wedding Catering Winnipeg Wedding Photography Venues Plan Your Winnipeg Wedding


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