Wedding Themes For The Seriously Alternative

By Sarah McCormack

Do you want a big White Wedding? Filled with lots of flowers and traditional touches? Then look away now while we go on a tour of the alternative side of wedding themes.

Here are my top 7 eccentric wedding themes that are becoming more and more commonplace:

1. Fairytale Weddings

Although this theme can be done to different degrees (as can most) the more extreme end of the spectrum often includes Disney princesses (such as Cinderella or Snow White) or characters. However an equally amazing way to do this theme is to have a medieval fairytale with damsels and princes.

Very effective and you aren’t stuck to one particular ‘image’, as can often be the case with going with a more Disney theme. If you don’t want to take it to an extreme consider just using hints of a fairytale theme using the centrepieces, wedding favours and colour themes.

2. Wild West

Yeehaw! The biggest appeal of this theme is the great choice and colours of the outfits. There can be Stetsons for the Cowboys, feather headdresses for the Indians and the brightly coloured bodices for the ladies. Not only that but this theme easily translates into a complete theme including music, drinks and the decorations.

3. Beach Theme

Whack on the hoola skirts and the flower garlands and enjoy this laid back theme. If you do intend to hold this kind of wedding in the UK its worth considering your timing carefully, a frostbitten bride rarely looks the part.

If you do decide on a summery beach theme then it is a great and easy theme. Often you can contribute greatly by making centrepieces yourself, rather than being forced to buy in expensive things. The buffet food and fun games can help make a budget wedding very memorable.

4. Superheroes

Yes, it’s unusual but you will almost definitely be the only person you know with this particular theme. It’s fun, unconventional and really gets the creative juices flowing. There are a thousand choices of goodies or baddies, cartoon or comic and old or new.

And, if you’re feeling particularly adventurous, you can make up your own character, complete with costume and special powers. Or, if costumes are taking it a bit far then just spice up your centrepieces, wedding favours, invites and even food with the superhero theme.

5. Places of the World

Pick your favourite city or country and make it into a theme! Go all out with a classic Japanese theme using ornate silk dresses and paper lanterns. Or go old style New York with Gangsters and Molls for a classic slice of Americana. An Indian theme wedding is a great and colourful affair, sidestepping all those boring, predictable outfits people usually wear to weddings.

6. Holiday Wedding

Use a theme such as Christmas or Halloween with an appropriate timing. Christmas themes bring out all the good will of the season and winter weddings allow glorious dark colours that would look too dark in a summer/spring wedding. Halloween weddings can be lots of fun, especially with kids involved, using spooky party favours, centrepieces and even, themed food!

Finally, for the ultimate clichéd alternative wedding....

7. Star Trek

If you want to go for ultimate geek accessory nothing does it better than a Star Trek wedding. Now all you have to do is convince your significant other....

So branch out, get alternative and get thinking! You don’t have to be part of the same old same old, you can be the one and only.

About the Author: Sarah McCormack works for Simply Wedding Planners, the UK site where couples can find and compare local wedding organisers and choose experienced wedding planners.


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