Elegant and Affordable Wedding Favor Ideas For 2009

By Kathy Wagner

Every bride wants her wedding day to be special. She also wants everyone else to remember it vividly. As you begin the planning process, don't forget to give some thought to the wedding favors. These little thank-you gifts go home with the guests as a memento from your special day. Wedding favors come in many styles and price ranges. The theme of the wedding reception usually helps drive the style of favor. For example, many brides are having receptions with a beach theme. Why not have small soaps in the shape of seashells as a favor?

Different wedding reception themes can generate a multitude of favor ideas. Maybe you'd like to dazzle your guests with a candle, personalized with your wedding date on a label to match your theme, and stuffed into a little organza or satin bag to dress up your tables. Personalized candle tins are also a popular favorite and generally include a label with your name and wedding date. The ideas are endless!

The season of the year can also provide ideas. A spring or summer wedding can be planned around the endless variety of flowers. Many shapes of flowers are available in molds to create beautiful custom favors in wax tarts or custom guest soaps. These custom favors are truly unique and can be matched to the colors of your wedding. A spring or summer wedding might include custom wax tarts in the shape of a Daisy, a Rose, or maybe a Hibiscus. Want something even more different? What about the idea of fresh ferns, in a custom made guest soap with a fern design on the front? Planning for fall? Acorn or leaf shaped guests soaps are perfect!

Even with the vast variety of shapes and ideas available today for custom candles and soaps, the packaging can also be an important addition to your decorations. The favor bags can be matched to the colors of your reception. Trying to plan a wedding with Black and White as your colors? Don't worry, your unique favors can be created to match your theme, and then packaged in a beautiful organza, satin, or velvet bag to match your colors.

If all the choice wasn't enough to change your mind, one final advantage to custom created favors is the cost. Small businesses can create some amazing gifts for a better price than the larger companies...and make them to your specifications. This is your one special day, why not take advantage of the creativity of a custom designer and say thank-you with a truly special gift?

If you are interested in a custom thank-you for your guests, take a look at the services and products offered by KA Candles and Soaps at their website http://KAcandlesandsoaps.com/Services.html This company can provide custom designs, and lots of ideas to work with your wedding theme and within your budget. Remember, it's your day! Make it special and say Thank-You with a special gift.

Kathy W.

Elegant Candles and soaps for all occasions! We can help you create the perfect Thank-You!


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathy_Wagner


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