Getting married is a wonderful life changing event. When its your special day you want everything to be perfect. You want your dress to look gorgeous and to have everything just as you imagined including your makeup. Having the right bride makeup is important to make your day spectacular.
When creating the best wedding makeup look you first need to start with a moisturizer that contains a SPF of 30 or higher, especially if your ceremony is outdoors. Then you should use a foundation to cover any imperfections and even out your skin tone. You do need to be careful not to use too much however, since foundation can stain your dress. When applying the foundation be sure to blend it very well. Cameras can pick up things like makeup lines, so you want to make sure that your bridal makeup is perfectly blended.
If you are fair skinned and want to lighten up your look, you should use a white eye shadow at your brow bone. If your skin is a little darker complected, then using a warm peach or vanilla shade will have the same effect. You also want to define your eyebrows.
You can easily do this by using an eyeliner or eye shadow that is the same color as your hair. When applying makeup to your eyes, give your eyes shape by contouring them with eye shadow and liner, but avoid using colors that are too deep. You don't want the shade to become over bearing and distract people from your eyes.
Using a charcoal, navy or mahogany eyeliner is a great choice for beautiful bride makeup. Black and brown can be too harsh on the eyes, especially if you are getting married in the day or outside. When using a mascara, make sure its waterproof. You are sure to shed some tears or maybe sweat from dancing and the last thing you want on your wedding day is raccoon eyes!!
Last step to finalizing your look is highlighting your cheeks and lips. If you are fair skinned use a nice pink tone blush on your cheeks. If your skin is darker, then use the rosier color. Your lip color should be a bright color so that your lips show up in pictures.
If you normally wear neutral colors, wear it as a base and follow up with a brighter pink or rose color. If you normally like the darker colors, again, use it as a base and cover it with a brighter tone. Also, be sure to carry the lipstick you have chosen on you, so that you can touch up when necessary.
A few other important tips for having incredible wedding makeup is making sure that your makeup is applied in a well lit natural light. Sit near a window if possible. Natural light will allow you to see the colors the best on your skin. If you can't use natural light, then use a very bright halogen lamp. You should also make sure that you are at eye level to the stylist so they can see the colors at the best angle.
You are sure to look your best if you follow these simple tips for applying your bride makeup.
You can read more about wedding makeup at her site TheBridesHeart.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brenda_Jackson