Celebrating your best friend and her upcoming wedding is one of the most time honored traditions for you and the entire bridal party. And though the bridal shower will be picture perfect when you are done, there is a lot of work that goes into achieving that perfection. There are the invitations, (and don't forget the recipe or advice cards), the house cleaning, the decorating, and of course the menu. Throw a little fun and creativity into the party by making the bridal shower cake yourself. Home made, home designed and home decorated cakes are sure to be the talk of your party!
Bridal shower cake ideas should be carefully thought through before making any decision. Depending on the tastes of the lucky couple, you will either need an extraordinary cake that is highly decorated or a simple and smaller cake, if the couple is celebrating with an intimate group. Keep in mind that it's the couple that should be satisfied with your decision.
You'll then want to think about decorating your bridal shower, and the cake is a big part of that. Bridal shower cakes come in all kinds of different themes. Some are more romantic, featuring traditional symbols of marriage such as flowers and bells. Others feature unique themes - these can be almost anything you can think of. Often they can be personalized.
Once you know how you want the cake decorated, you'll want to decide on what flavor to choose. This largely depends on personal preference. Do you know if the bride prefers plain yellow cake, or chocolate? How about both, or perhaps a different flavor altogether? Rest assured that there are almost as many flavors of cake as there are cake decorations! Take a look through your favorite cookbook or the baking aisle in your grocery store.
Finally, you will want to choose what size your cake is. Bridal shower cakes, needless to say, come in all different sizes. How many people will attend your shower? Did you remember to tell guests to RSVP? The more people show up, the more cake you will need - after all, everybody has to eat! Use whatever information you have to decide what size cake to buy. If you're planning a large shower, you may want to consider having more than one cake, with different flavors to accommodate different preferences.
Since you're going through the effort of purchasing or making a beautiful cake, why not also use it as the bridal shower centerpiece? You can personalize it by having names of the bride and groom written on the cake, along with the date of their wedding. Guests always want to take pictures of the cake, so give them a cake to remember.
Whatever kind of cake you choose, remember that it is not the cake that counts; it's the sentiment behind it. Bridal shower cakes are a wonderful aspect of a celebration, but the celebration truly is the best part. Don't get too stressed out in trying to choose. Remember how special the occasion is, not just for you but for the bride, the groom, and all their friends and family. Your shower will truly be memorable that way.
About the Author: For more great bridal shower ideas, visit us at http://www.bridalshowerhq.com .
Source: www.isnare.com
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=178922&ca=Marriage
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