Rule of the Wedding Dance Floor Arrangement

Author: Lina Edwards

There are many important moment concerning the preparation to the wedding ceremony. One of the most important things is the preparation of the dance floor. In this article you will find several recommendations concerning the dance floor preparation process.

1. Choose small dance floor. If you will find huge dance floor, it will be empty. If the dance floor will be small, the atmosphere will be more pleasant and the level of energy will increase faster. It is quite easy to count the essential area for the dance floor. The average area for one guest is about 2,5 square meters. If during the wedding party you will need additional space, you will have an opportunity to find empty space on the perimeter for dancers.

2. If the dance area does not have bright lights, the atmosphere is more comfortable. You have to worry about the blinds on the windows to prevent the direct hit of the ray of lights into the dancing room. Consult your DJ to provide essential lighting of the dance floor.

3. Keep the doors closed. If the doors will be open, it can become the distraction for the guests.

4. After festive dinner the dance floor will be the main part of the party, so you have to foresee everything. You have to arrange the bar with different drinks in the dancing room.

5. Play the music requests. Your quest will be happy to hear their favorite hits and songs. The best decision is to create a list of request and to play the music according to such list.

6. Play different music styles to make happy all the guests.

7. Put the DJ in the middle of the dance floor. He must be in the center of the action to manage the party.

8. Force the guests to dance. In this case they will have good time and your wedding party will be unforgettable.

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About the Author:

Lina Edwards having a great experience of editing and writing articles and academic assignments, which she gained while working in different essay services as a freelancer, is always ready to share with students her abundant experience of writing Marketing term paper and English essay.

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