Bridesmaid Speech

By Spencer Ray

The wedding day is a hectic day filed with activities of all sorts. The days leading up to the wedding are also quite busy and as a bridesmaid you have several things on your plate. In all this rush and excitement, if you are asked to prepare for a speech, it might be asking a lot. But there is no real cause for anxiety because a bridesmaid speech need not have elaborate preparation like a best man's speech or the maid of honor's speech. It can be short and simple and no one will complain. You must just ensure that you put across your thoughts in a clear manner. However, if you really want to be different, you can spice up your speech by including a few good quotations on marriage. Here are two of my favorites.

You can give an imaginary context for them if you want. For example, you can say that in an earlier wedding, you overheard the bride say - 'I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life'. Or you can give some words of wisdom to the bride with - 'An ideal wife is one who remains faithful to you but tries to be just as charming as if she weren't'. Delivered with the right timing and the right gestures, these quotes can make a big difference between an ordinary speech and an excellent one.

Whatever quotes you may include in your bridesmaid speech, you must not forget the fundamentals. Extend your thanks to all the people who have helped you to complete your tasks. Tell how excited you were to know about your friend's wedding and apologize for any inconvenience to the guests that may have happened due to shortfalls in your arrangements. If you want to make any quick announcements about logistics, you might want to add those in but go ahead only if they are really urgent.

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