Flowers for Your Wedding Day Hairstyle

by Ngo Franz
These days there are innumerable options for your wedding day hairstyle. It's not surprising that many brides find it difficult to choose the perfect hairstyle on their wedding day. It's a good idea to return to the traditional style of adding flowers to your hairstyle. Considering the number of modern innovative ideas, the good old style will, perhaps, hold more charm and stand out as unique.
Brides have been wearing flowers incorporated into their hairstyles for thousands of years. The early brides often wore simple clothing, but dressed up their treasured locks with buds and blooms from fragrant flowers. Often, these living tokens were symbols of good luck and properity.
For brides of a budget, using simple flowers in a hairstyle is a great deal less expensive than choosing a costly headpiece or veil. These extra items can run up a substantial bill in addition to the dress and any necessary under garments for the big day. Instead, ask your florist to order a few choice stems and have your hairstylist incorporate these blooms into your style.
It is always wise that your hairstyle should match the theme of your wedding, so give a close look at your dress and think what suits you more. Try to use few flowers so that the buds add grace to your marvelous face and not hide it. It is advisable to go in for trials before so that your hairstylist is able to give you that "oh, so perfect" look.
Many brides love to carry the wedding theme to a great extent by including large variety of flowers. Rather than using small number of flowers they incorporate the entire wreaths of flowers in their curls. This is the best option at the time of spring and summer season when you have ample options to choose from.
Take the flower power to a new high by including flowers in the bridesmaids' hair as well as your own. Make way for the new trends by having your maids or matrons don a headdress of fresh flowers that is in sync with your theme and colors. Well wherever this formula has been tried, the results have been striking. While planning flower decorated hairstyles don't forget the flower girl. Quite often it has been seen that these flower girls carry the halo of buds along with the basket of petals.
Imagine how lovely it would be instead of throwing a bouquet, you tossed a ring of flowers. This is an incredible way to personalize your ceremony and reception while adding beauty and elegance to your wedding day attire. If you choose to wear a veil, flowers can easily be incorporated into the headpiece or even sewn into the veil itself.
There are a numbers of ideas when it comes to incorporating the flowers to your hairstyle. Whatever may be your chosen and desired look it can be easily achieved with these splendid blooms. You can find a style to call your own from any of the books and magazines giving basic knowledge on this. You can also access the Internet for more detailed information. Choose to radiate in all the beauty showered upon you by these beautiful flowers.
Ngo Franz is the chief writer for, and editor of For My Flowers it's one of the webs most up to date Flower sites, why not sign up for the free Flower newsletter. Read many more interesting articles on Flower at:
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