Wedding Rings

By Dr. Mark Clayson

In the United States and United Kingdom, women traditionally wore wedding rings much more than the men. Times have changed. Both men and women now wear wedding rings as a sign of their fidelity to each other. But for valid purposes, some occupations or jobs prohibits the wearing of wedding rings while at work such as those working in the police force, actors and electrical workers. Some people remove their rings for safety or comfort especially if their fingers have increased in size over time. An alternative could be wearing a wedding ring as a pendant on a necklace which still translates to the same marriage vows where people wear the rings on their finger.

How Wedding Rings for Couples Started

It was not clear when the practice for both partners to wear a wedding ring started. What is known however is the introduction of a marketing ad aimed at its use during the late 19th century. But even then, it did not attract wide public acceptance and use. It was only after World War II when the practice started gaining popularity and by 1940, around 80% of weddings saw the exchange of wedding rings among marrying couples. This is indeed a big jump compared to only 15% who practiced it before the Great Depression occurred.

Various Practices on Wearing the Wedding Ring

One practice of wearing the wedding ring is placing it below the engagement so that to some, it means it is closer to the heart. On the other hand, other people wear the wedding ring above the engagement ring because the wedding ring supposedly creates a seal of the engagement in the marriage. Others opt to wear the wedding ring alone as this indicates its special meaning to their current life.

The Making of the Wedding Ring

Wedding rings are usually made of gold alloyed with copper, bismuth and tin metals to produce a harder product. Some rings may also be created from white or platinum alloys to give a different shine. Titanium has also gained popularity as a material for wedding rings due to its unique qualities. It is affordable, durable and it comes in a gun metal gray color. In recent years too, tungsten carbide with platinum or gold inlays were also used as a material for wedding ring. Other less expensive materials such as nickel silver and stainless steel has become alternatives for wedding rings. However, aluminum, are almost never used while silver, brass and copper are rarely casted to create a wedding ring.

Styles and Fashion for He and She

The most popular kind of wedding ring is a plain gold band which comes in varying thicknesses and karats. Women usually get the narrower rings while men are given a broader ring for their wedding. Other rings have designs on them such that when placed in light, the ring reflects them in various directions giving them certain sheen. The ring could also be a combination of white and yellow gold to give it a distinctive appearance.

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