What Every Guy Needs To Know About His Wedding

Author: Adrian Adams

Most guys think that the wedding is the domain of the bride. That may have been true in the past, but more brides are expecting their prospective grooms to get more involved in the planning and execution of such a special day in both their lives.

The most important thing for the groom to remember is that this is a day that his bride has dreamed about for a long time. She wants everything to be just perfect, so the closer the wedding day gets, the more nervous she may become. Though she may say she doesn't need your help, she certainly wants you to care about your wedding ceremony and reception as much as she does.

Who Pays for What?

Finances and a budget play a large role in planning a wedding. It can ease everyone's mind if they all know their financial responsibilities from the start. It is usually the groom and his family that pay for not only the bride's engagement ring, but her wedding ring as well. The groom is also responsible for paying for his wedding attire, the fee for the license and the person who will officiate. There are no hard and fast rules anymore, but usually the groom and his family pay for the honeymoon, the gifts for the wedding party and the flowers for the bride and her attendants.

How The Groom can Help

When your lovely wife-to-be asks you to go along with her to pick out invitations, go with her. Even if you could care less about what the invitation looks like, it will make her happy to have your input. If you have already selected a theme, finding invitations to reflect that can be a fun outing for the two of you.

Go with your bride to pick out your wedding rings. Though the wearing of the wedding ring is an entirely personal matter, you will still need one when the officiant asks you to exchange rings. Picking out wedding rings is something you should do together so you can both compromise if there is any disagreement as to style and price.

Take care of the groomsman's suits as well as your own. Your bride will care about how you look on your wedding day, so taking care of your suit needs before she has to tell you is a sure fire way to make your intended happy. Be sure that all your attendants will be well prepared for the day as well.

What Your Bride will Expect from You on Your Wedding Day

Of course she will expect you to be at the altar waiting for her on your wedding day, but what else can you do to please your future life partner on such a special occasion? You can be sure that you are clean shaven and well groomed. Check your tuxedo or suit a few days in advance so that there will be no unexpected surprises to ruin the day. Keep a handkerchief handy if you or anyone near you gets emotional. Be sure you have your car keys and the wedding rings as well as your notes for the speech you will be expected to make later.

Lastly, but most importantly, have a good time. This is your day too and enjoying the food and the company on such an auspicious occasion should be high on your list of priorities for your wedding day.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/marriage-articles/what-every-guy-needs-to-know-about-his-wedding-321063.html

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