Why A Cortina Will Not Do On Your Wedding Day

by Shaun Parker

A must for any wedding is to ensure that the right wedding car is selected. After all, even if the rain is pouring and the wind is howling, the perfect wedding car will set the day off and ensure the bride arrives at the church on time, and in style. With such a huge selection of wedding cars available for hire the choice can be daunting, it need not be; as with the right inspiration finding the ideal car for your special day can be simple.

The first choice when selecting a wedding car is to define what you require from the car; no one wants to turn up at the church in a Ford Cortina so getting the style right is paramount. Elegance is a prerequisite to hiring a wedding car and a selection of Rolls Royce, Daimler, Classic Fords and Jaguars are usually available. These cars offer that timeless style and extravagance that only a classic car can bring.

That is not to say that you must go old when considering which wedding car to hire. Modern models give a sleek alternative and for those getting married in the height of summer the air conditioning will offer a welcome sanctuary to the heat. A perfect modern vehicle for use as a wedding car is the Mercedes S Class as it will bring you to the church promptly and in comfort.

Another option when deciding upon a wedding car is limousines. Modern limousines come in a variety of models from Mercedes through to Lincolns; all seat more than your average luxury car and are perfect if you plan to arrive at the church with an entourage. Classic Rolls Royce limousines are always a consideration; surely a Rolls Royce is the symbol of elegance that all aspire to.

Another crucial decision is whether to go open topped or not. Convertible models give the chance for all to see you on your big day; it must be remembered however that if you are spending a fortune on your hair, do you really want the wind to ruin all the stylists' hard work? Also relying upon the British weather is rarely advisable so if going open topped, ensure the wedding car has the capacity to shelter you if the heavens decide to open.

With the variety of colour schemes that accompany today's weddings, your wedding car must also conform to the plan. No longer is white the only colour of choice; deep reds and navy blues offering a startling alternative to the uniform pale creams. Of course ribbons will match and ensure the wedding car fits your plans perfectly. A uniformed driver adds to the grandeur and gives the impression of opulence, even if it is just for one day.

On what should be the most important day of your life the wedding car may seem a trivial matter but this could not be further from the truth. Firstly it has to take the blushing bride to the church and naturally she would like to arrive in style and grace. Secondly and more importantly it takes the happy couple on the first journey they will take as newlyweds.

Many wedding car services will provide champagne in the car ready for the bride and groom to sip as they are taken to the airport, what could be a more romantic beginning to a honeymoon than a leisurely ride in the back of a glamorous car ready to whisk the couple away on an exotic holiday that marks the beginning of their life together. As this is such an important occasion, no minicab will do; it must ferry the newlyweds away from the church in luxury and give them best start to their life together possible. Hence a luxury wedding car is cornerstone of any marriage.

Wedding expert Shaun Parker looks into what variables to consider when selecting a wedding car service. To find out more please visit http://www.aaexecutive.co.uk/

Article Source: www.tips.com.my

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