How To Take Perfect Wedding Photos

By Carey Paris

It's the biggest day of their lives and you have been selected to be the photographer. Now that's quite an honor and a responsibility. Everyone is counting on you to take wonderful pictures so everyone who attends can enjoy easy photo sharing.

But there's no reason to panic. We've got a complete checklist so you can keep the smiles on everybody's faces. These handy tips will help you deliver a wonderful record of this special occasion that will make for easy photo sharing for years to come.

Tip #1: Bring along the right camera

Let's start right from the top. What kind of camera should you use? Fortunately, there is an easy answer. Ideally, you'd use an ultra wide with 100mm lens range. This will allow for just about any kind of photo opportunity that comes up. Also, don't forget the tripod for those beautiful, "moody" shots and a reflector for window shots - both are helpful when the bride and groom are looking for high quality pictures that will allow for photo printing.

Tip #2: Go to the bride's home the day of the ceremony

Many photographers just show up at the reception hall, ready to go. But you may want to go to the bride's house first. Even thought it may be in a state of turmoil, this is a great time take pictures of the bride, her mom, and the bridesmaids. They'll love it when they can enjoy easy photo sharing years after this special time, when they can look back on the anticipation and excitement they felt.

Be creative! Create photo opportunities inside and outside the home. These "extra" touches will help the family with easy photo sharing over the years - and they'll appreciate your efforts at helping them stay connected.

Tip #3: Be "invisible" at the ceremony

During the ceremony, a photographer needs to be invisible. You need to blend in as much a possible. The attention and focus should always be the bride and groom.

Many photographers make a major mistake at weddings - they bring along a flash! Remember, you should rarely if ever use a flash because it's a major distraction. You may want to ask the happy couple before hand - and if they say okay, then use it, but use it sparingly.

Tip #4: How to create those special shots

Finally, this is your chance to shine. While you've been fairly restrained up until now, here's where you'll have to step up an create photos that will have everyone gushing. So if you want pictures the happy couple to be proud of - if you want to take photos that are perfect for easy photo sharing and photo printing -- be assertive, but polite!

You'll need to take group shots of individual tables -- so move quickly and tell the guests exactly what you want them to do. If need be, ask a family member or an usher to help you create a special grouping or environment that will be especially memorable. You'll take photos that will give the event depth and meaning for everyone who attends, and they'll be such good photos people will go online looking for photo printing websites as soon as they get their pictures!

Tip #5: Keep posing to a minimum

Obviously, there are some occasions when posing is necessary -- especially those group shots of each table. But what will separate your photo album from all the rest is how many genuine moments you capture.

Be alert! You'll get the best photos by photographing a quick kiss, a longing look, a squeezed hand, and a loving embrace that are all spontaneous and spectacular! And if you keep vigilant and keep an eye out, you'll capture moments that will become treasured heirlooms for future generations to enjoy. Because of your attention to detail and sharp eye, the bride and groom will be able to share memories - created by you - for decades to come. If you keep posing to a minimum, you will providing great photos for easy photo sharing.

Tip #6: Add a slideshow DVD

Want to help the happy couple share photos in a unique and exciting new way? Then create a slideshow DVD. This is a great for easy photo sharing and photo printing.

Many more people today love to sit and relax with a DVD and enjoy reliving the laughter and the tears of the wedding. A DVD becomes a great companion to a beautiful photo album.

Weddings are a new beginning and a major milestone in life. And with today's sophisticated equipment, you can shoot photos that look crystal-clear and razor-sharp.

About the Author: Carey Paris develops marketing programs and has written articles for a variety of clients, including, a new website for easy photo sharing and easy photo printing.


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