Planning Your Dream Wedding Video

By William Lee

Having a professional videographer at your special day is the perfect way to capture those precious moments and store the experience to re-live time and again. With careful planning and preparation, you can be sure to have a film that you will cherish and enjoy for a lifetime. A key factor when finding your videographer is to have a skilled person behind the camera. As well as checking for proper credentials and being registered with professional bodies, you should ask to view examples of your prospective videographer's portfolio. Different recording and editing styles will appeal to different people, so it is important to have an idea of the final product and be sure it is one that you are happy with. An experienced videographer should have plenty of references available. Don't be afraid to ask for them.

The location will set the tone for your video. Make sure you get the consent of the venue where you are holding your ceremony and reception. Photogenic locations will be available throughout your day, but take the time to visit your venue(s) and find the particular areas you would most like to be included as a backdrop to your wedding day. Stairways, windows, fireplaces, gardens, lawns, gazebos, balconies, gateways and arches all provide good opportunities for creating interest in the frame and adding to the ambiance of the setting.

Lighting is an important element to consider when planning your video. Visit the locations for your day and check that there is sufficient lighting, or if candles, lamps or lanterns are available or can be introduced if required to enhance and add to the ambiance. Ask your videographer to visit the venues with you and take advise on whether they may need to bring professional lighting equipment. Remember the time of day and even time of year that you visit might not reflect the full circumstances that you will have on your wedding day.

Choose music carefully for your ceremony and first dance. Music will add to the ambiance and relax you and your guests. Practice your first dance and consider having lessons to liven up your performance. If you are having live musicians, seek their consent to keep their music on the video. Check with your videographer that they hold the necessary licenses for having copyrighted music on the video recording. In addition to the music played on the day, you may be asked to prepare a list of songs that you would like to be included on the final edit of the video, such as providing a musical backdrop to images of you getting ready or travelling to the ceremony. Choose songs that appeal to both you and your spouse-to-be, that are in keeping with the tone you wish to convey.

Your appearance will be a high priority on the day and you may prefer to wear slightly heavier make up than usual to give a flawless, long lasting finish. Keep a mirror and key ingredients such as lip balm and pressed powder handy throughout the day, so you can check and touch up your make up if needed. Having your hair professionally styled will help to create a glamourous look and provide a reliable hairdo that won't come undone mid-day. Have a trial run of your hair and makeup before the day itself, to decide on the most flattering look for your day. Ask your bridesmaids to check throughout the day and let you know if anything needs fixing or adjusting.

It's unlikely you'll need reminding, but remember to smile, relax and enjoy your big day! Feel confident and beautiful and make the most of this opportunity to look and feel your best, sharing your love for each other with all the people dearest to you. Make sure all of your family and friends are recorded, sharing in your special day and capturing all the joys and surprises it brings. It's a priceless treasure to have a video of your wedding day, being able to relive exchanging vows and stepping through the rituals together. It is money well spent to have a professional, successful final film, that you will enjoy throughout your years together. For most people, their wedding day is a once-in-a-lifetime event, so make the most of it and have a fabulous day.

About the Author: Plus Pictures offer a professional wedding video service. See their website for information. Wedding video Berkshire. Liverpool wedding car hire. Wedding services directory.

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