Did You Forget About Food For Your Wedding Day?

By Leslie Gerard

You would think that with one of the biggest parts of the wedding day being the reception, that food wasn't much of a concern for the happy couple. If you are organized the least little bit for your wedding, the odds are that you have already take care of the catering end of things.

The problem that I have come across with couples on their wedding day, on a very frequent basis, is the rest of the meals. Before we get into why couples miss meals around their wedding, let's take a look at what can result from low amounts of nutrition on this ultra important day.

* Grumpiness! While you are probably on an emotional high, it won't last, and missing some meals will catch up to you. It's already a stressful event, and a lack of food in your system can be an added drain on your reserves. Different people react in different ways, but becoming over emotional in the form of tears or snappiness are both fairly common.

* Fainting! You will be required to expend a lot of energy on your wedding day by getting ready, standing around, driving around, dancing, visiting, and so on. Many times brides AND grooms who have been unable to eat end up falling down at the altar.

Why didn't you eat?!

One way to avoid the hazards of a lack of nourishment on your wedding day is to know exactly why so many couples don't have enough in their systems. For the most part, this is due to missed meals, and there are two big reasons for the exemptions:

1. Too nervous! The wedding day will give anyone butterflies, and as it approaches most people don't feel as hungry as they usually would.

2. Too busy! The days leading up to the wedding are pretty packed and it can be hard to stop and have a bite to eat. In addition, there is usually little time in between the ceremony, the pictures, and the reception to get a bite for lunch.

Some quick fixes

Making sure that you are your best on your wedding day is often a lot simpler than most people think. You don't have to overcome those butterflies by stuffing yourself, but you do need to make sure your body has at least the minimum amount of fuel it needs to run. Here are a couple of ideas.

* Eat well at the rehearsal dinner. The day after is going to be frightfully busy, and it is unlikely that your body will be able to take in all the food it usually does until the reception dinner. Take advantage of your rehearsal dinner to fill up!

* Eat a light breakfast. Brides in particular are notorious for skipping breakfast as they get ready to head to the ceremony. Don't neglect food altogether though; take the time to have a glass of juice and/or mild, a piece of fruit, or even a muffin. This little bit will power you through the ceremony.

* Have snacks ready. Most weddings will have the picture session between the ceremony and the reception, and this can be a long time in between meals. Make sure you arrange for someone to bring snacks, again fresh fruit and drinks are the best option (make sure someone also supplies some toothbrushes, just in case!)

Don't be one of the many couples who forget about the little meals on their wedding day! At the very least, going in under nourished will compromise your ability to enjoy the day to its fullest, and at the worst you might end up making a scene!

About the Author: Leslie assists in wedding planning for a wedding favors store offering kids personalized gifts and more.

Source: www.isnare.com
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=208698&ca=Marriage

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