Before The Wedding: Who Should You Listen To?

By Leslie Gerard

Every former bride or bride to be knows that there are an awful lot of people who want to put in their two cents about how the wedding day should go. Everything from the guest list to the venue to the order of the day will be up for input and you will be getting a lot of advice from a lot of different corners. So, how should you go about filtering the advice? Here are some ideas.


The wedding day is, in the end, for the bride. Most girls dream of their wedding day from the first time they go to a wedding as a guest, and many hope that they will only have one shot at making that dream a reality. It goes without saying that the most important opinion out there will be that of the bride. If you seem to be having trouble getting heard, it's time to speak a little it louder!

The groom:

Remember that although you might not always realize it, the wedding day is an important one for the groom too. Most guys just want the day to be all that their bride had hoped for, but most also have a few things that they would like to include. The trick is not pestering the groom about every detail, and at the same time really listening when he does speak up. Odds are that he wouldn't do so if it wasn't important.

Whoever is footing the bill:

Like it or not, the person paying for the wedding is entitled to some say in how the day proceeds. Most of the time this will be a parent or some combination of parents and the couple, so if you tend to see eye to eye you won't have a problem. If you don't, though, you may need to sit down before the wedding preparations begin and come to an understanding of just what the wedding day will entail.

The wedding planner:

One of the most valuable things about using a wedding planner is that he or she will have been through the whole process dozens or maybe even hundreds of different times before. It's pretty likely that a good wedding planner has seen it all in terms of what works and what does not for a wide variety of different styles, and it's also likely that he or she can read the way different couples will react to certain aspects of the wedding. This is one individual who has more experience than anyone else involved, and not taking his or her advice would be akin to ignoring a fireman at a five alarm.

That's a pretty basic list, and of course the people who you turn to for advice on your wedding day will vary for everyone. Some brides have an extremely good relationship with their mothers or even their future mother in laws, and their input can be highly valued. For those of you who receive too much advice, though, having a list of who to consult first will come in handy.

About the Author: Leslie does wedding planning for an online wedding favors shop offering bridesmaids gifts & wedding supplies

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